Snacklins Barbecue Plant Crisps: I purchased this bag of plant-based "cracklings" from Whole Foods not knowing anything about the brand's Shark-Tank success story. The vegan crispy, puffed crisps are made with a combination of yuca, onions, and mushrooms and have a light, melt-in-your-mouth texture that is definitely the closest I've ever tasted to meat-based pork crackling (though more like the softer versions than the heavily fried crunchier ones). Comparing it to a meat product is a little unfair though, because they a... (read more) 3.5/5.0
recommended wholefoods vegan snacklins barbecue plant crisps 3.5Snacklins Chesapeake Bay Vegan Cracklings: These vegan chicharrones made of mushroom and yuca are like the Impossible Burger of the cracklings world. The texture is remarkably similar to the traditional meat-based snack; they’re light and crispy, and they have that slightly oily coating. Unfortunately, the only problem is that this particular flavor is extremely salty, with an over seasoned old-bay-spiced coating that makes them hard to eat much of, though this bag is meant to be single serving (it’s not resealable). Too bad, because... (read more) 3.0/5.0
wholefoods chesapeake bay vegan cracklings 3.0 snacklins