seafood (28)
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2017 03 04 10.26.06

Ikedaya Mangetsu: Shrimp crackers in disc form, flavored with sesame seeds, cuttlefish, and MSG. Similarly textured to the bright pink shrimp crackers sometimes offered at American-ized Chinese restaurants, those these are a bit more dense. Not as boldly flavored as shrimp crackers, though the nori does add a new salinity to the mix. Purchased from Tokyo Fish Market in Berkeley. 2.5/5.0

japanese shrimp crackers seafood tokyofishmarket ikedaya mangetsu 2.5
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車えび : This snack was part of a larger gift set shared in my office's kitchen area, a place where abandoned snacks go to be consumed by unassuming coworkers. Myself being one of them, I took at random one of the sealed packages, expecting it to be sweet Japanese biscuits or cookies. I was surprised, to say the least, when I found what appeared to be dried, flattened prawns (head, legs, and all), fried to a crisp, along with what appeared to be thin wheat crackers with swirls of nori. Several attemp... (read more) 2.5/5.0

japanese seafood shrimp 2.5
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Taiwan Master Bear shrimp crackers: Slightly more dense than the seafood crackers you might get with chinese takeout, but still has a styrofoam-like texture. Very little flavor. 1.5/5.0

taiwan masterbear shrimp crackers chips seafood avoid hmart taiwanmasterbear 1.5
Img 20200224 211918

Yotchan Cuttlefish Snack: Bought this at a 7-11 on my way home mostly because of the packaging. I didn't bother translating anything about it in advance, so I was in for a surprise. Let me cut to the verdict: this is a truly awful snack. It tastes like white vinegar and salt and has a chewy yet stale texture like Bubble Tape that's been sitting around since the 90s. I gathered from the package that it was a squid snack, and I still think it probably is: little white squares of awful processed cuttlefish. At least it ... (read more) 0.5/5.0

711 japanese seafood junkfood yotchan cuttlefish snack 0.5 avoid