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車えび : This snack was part of a larger gift set shared in my office's kitchen area, a place where abandoned snacks go to be consumed by unassuming coworkers. Myself being one of them, I took at random one of the sealed packages, expecting it to be sweet Japanese biscuits or cookies. I was surprised, to say the least, when I found what appeared to be dried, flattened prawns (head, legs, and all), fried to a crisp, along with what appeared to be thin wheat crackers with swirls of nori. Several attempts with translation tools proved unsuccessful, as I was only able to gather that it was produced in Okinawa Kyushu and that there is a warning to not get "injured by horns and shells." One part of the packaging literally translates to "please take seriously." Very prominent shrimp flavor, but as it warns, the shell is sharp and I kept worrying that I was going to get shell stuck in my throat. I wouldn't eat it again, but I also don't regret it. 2.5/5.0

japanese seafood shrimp 2.5