pop (10)
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747355195831518331 1397986312

Quenelle strawberry lavender push pop: Fantastic fruity & creamy combo, floral notes are flavorful, not perfume-y 4.5/5.0

exceptional icecream frozen dessert quenelle strawberry lavender push pop 4.5
1227279828002309534 1397986312

Sprecher's ginger ale: The first time I had Sprechers was at Momofuku Ssam bar back in 2009, and I was instantly a fan of their root beer. I found this large bottle, with two servings, at a sandwich shop in DC, and I was excited to try it given how much I love ginger. On first sip, the ginger flavor was prominent and spicy, but it finishes kind of musky due to the addition of honey. While I sometimes have honey with ginger tea, I didn't think it quite worked with this carbonated combination, though it was a good d... (read more) 3.0/5.0

gingerale sprechers soda drinks ginger honey 3.0 fizzy pop ale
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Suntory Melon Pop Soda: I'm not sure what I expected from this atomic green soda, somehow even more neon green than Surge, the height of artificial soda in America. But I think I was craving some variety after not drinking any interesting beverages for some time. I purchased the bottle from a 100¥ discount vending machine. It tastes just as you would expect: super sweet, but not actually tasting that much of melon; more like liquid fruit gummy candy. I've actually just realized that I believe this is the melon ... (read more) 1.5/5.0

avoid drinks japanese suntory melon pop soda 1.5
1254056787776406774 1397986312

Tootsie Roll Watermelon Tootsie Roll Pop: In a bowl of free Tootsie Roll Pops at CopyTech at MIT, I came across this watermelon lollipop, a flavor I hadn't previously encountered. According to Wikipedia, it was introduced in 2004. I wouldn't be surprised if I haven't had a Tootsie Roll Pop in about a decade, but I do have a "soft" spot for Tootsie Rolls generally. Unsurprisingly, the watermelon flavor tastes nothing like the real fruit, yet is not wildly artificial in the way Jolly Ranchers or other hard candies might be. That said,... (read more) 2.5/5.0

tootsieroll candy watermelon chocolate 2.5 tootsie roll pop