organic (184)
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2017 05 06 13.20.45

Lundberg Organic Kettle Corn Rice Cakes: Brown rice rice cakes with a slightly glazed sheen. Crunchier and heartier than other rice cakes I've had. Great sweet and savory flavor. Even found a few actual corn kernels. A healthy option that actually tastes good and is decently filling. 3.5/5.0

recommended lundberg organic kettle corn rice cakes 3.5 producecenter
2017 06 10 15.21.20

Lundberg Mochi Sweet Organic Rice Cakes: Made with whole grain brown rice, these "sweet" rice cakes are actually more savory than sweet since they are lightly salted. I was hoping they would have a different taste than normal plain rice cakes, but they are essentially flavorless (minus the salt). 2.5/5.0

organic berkeleybowl lundberg mochi sweet rice cakes 2.5
787fd5be 537d 4563 8e8f e7ef7bf94178

Lundberg White cheddar & jalapeño baked grain bites: I know Lundbergh from their rice crackers, but this is the first time I’ve seen a snack from them that’s shelved outside of the health food aisle. Baked puffed “grain bites” have a bit of heat but largely taste imbalanced, with a white cheddar flavor that doesn’t quite mix with the brown rice taste. Crispy snack is reminiscent of chicharrones, but lighter and of course without meat. 2.5/5.0

organic lundberg white cheddar jalapeño baked grain bites 2.5
1048d044 a39d 4cba a1dd c8c85119f7a6

Luscombe Lime crush soda: Another truly fantastic soda, this lime crush drink from Luscombe is perfectly balanced, with a sharp acidity countered by just the right amount of sweetness. If you like limeade, this is like the best bottled version of it you can get. 4.5/5.0

exceptional drinks uk luscombe lime crush soda 4.5 organic
27918bff 5ec5 429c 8499 92f5676ed865

Luscombe St. Clements citrus soda: Almost every time I have a Luscombe soda, I think it’s the best one yet and likely the best version of that particular flavor of any brand I’ve had. I really enjoyed this clementine soda, which has a bright, clean, yet concentrated orange and lemon citrus flavor. It’s clear they’ve taken great care to use the freshest fruit. Definitely one of the best sodas I’ve had. 5.0/5.0

exceptional soda organic drinks st. clements citrus 5.0 luscombe
2fec796e 99c5 4398 bf8a e652726f3d95

Made in Nature Tart Cherry Fig Figgy Pops: I can’t tell if energy balls / chews are on the rise more generally or just commonly found in health-conscious Berkeley. But I have seen them creep up on more supermarket shelves over the past year and have given a few a try. This one by Made in Nature was purchased at Monterey Market in Berkeley and consists of 1" diameter balls densely packed with dried fruit (figs, cherries, dates) and cashews, all coated with coconut flakes. This antioxidant-rich snack is nourishing though not entirely... (read more) 3.5/5.0

organic montereymarket madeinnature tart cherry fig figgy pops 3.5 recommended