oat (13)
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Img 20191201 104635

Core Bar Lemon poppy seed overnight oat bar: A granola bar you purchase from the refrigerated section, this surprisingly fresh take falls somewhere between a traditional granola bar and a Power Bar in texture. Oats, dates, chia seeds, and almonds are loosely combined to form a chewy bar that eats more like a breakfast bar or cookie than a more dense bar like a Cliff Bar or Luna Bar. It also contains probiotics and 7g of fiber, along with 0 added sugar (it has 9g of natural sugar, which feels just right). The tart lemon flavor was al... (read more) 3.5/5.0

organic parkslopefoodcoop recommended corebar lemon poppy seed overnight oat bar 3.5
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Cascadian Farm oat & chocolate crunchy granola bars: Composed of 9 natural ingredients, this granola bar is satisfying but not mind-blowingly so. 3.0/5.0

chocolate granola crunchy granolabar oats organic cascadianfarm oat bars 3.0
851531099897366038 1397986312

BelVita Golden Oat breakfast biscuits: Decent biscuits that are crunchy and filling, not overly sweet. Golden oat flavor captures the essence of oatmeal in a bar. 3.0/5.0

belvita breakfast biscuit nabisco goldenoat oats golden oat biscuits 3.0
953180067445638641 1397986312

Bobo's coconut oat bars: Somewhere between a granola bar and a cookie. Thick and substantial but contains 2 servings. Good level of sweetness, light coconut flavor. Doesn't contain any artificial ingredients or sweeteners and is made with organic ingredients (although it's not actually organic). Filling and generally wholesome even if it's not particularly delicious. 3.0/5.0

bobos oat granola coconut bars 3.0
Img 20191026 115011

Raaka Oat Milk Dark Chocolate: I've been buying chocolate bars once in a while during my weekly grocery trips to the Park Slope Food Coop. This one from Raaka checks all the boxes in terms of guilt-free snack purchases (organic, single-origin, etc.), with the inside label covered in facts about where the chocolate comes from and how much it costs to produce. The packaging waxes on about using unroasted beans as a way to bring out the "brighter, bolder, and fruitier side of cacao." This particular flavor is described as... (read more) 3.0/5.0

chocolate parkslopefoodcoop darkchocolate organic raaka oat milk dark 3.0
747334551794386551 1397986312

Doctor Kracker apple oat crunch: Health food taste, slightly cardboard-ish. At least I recognize all the ingredients. 2.5/5.0

crackers doctorkracker apple oat crunch