nestle (3)
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2016 11 03 17.30.10

Nestle Butterfinger: As a child of the 90s, it's difficult for me to see a Butterfinger and not think of Bart Simpson. But it isn't the marketing that makes this candy good – it's that Butterfingers has captured a part of the candy market with few, if any, competitors that are able to replicate the same crispy and buttery consistency it is famous for. While others are similar in flavor, like Mary Janes, the flaky texture of the Butterfinger far surpasses that of any wafer candies (such as Kit Kats) or harder t... (read more) 4.0/5.0

recommended candy chocolate nestle butterfinger 4.0
1200501984471581930 1397986312

Nestle LZ: A Bulgarian white chocolate bar that is aerated so that it's not solid.the bar is divided into smaller segments that can be broken off, a bit like a Hershey's bar but not flat. The overly sweet and fatty white chocolate, combined with its waxy mouthfeel, reminds me why I would never select to eat white chocolate on my own. 1.0/5.0

nestle lz chocolate whitechocolate avoid munchpak candy 1.0
2017 06 20 12.30.31

Nestle Lemon Splash: Quite simply terrible. No one should have to drink this. I would not wish it on my worst enemy. Horribly artificial lemon water. I took one sip and used the rest to water a plant. 0.0/5.0

avoid drinks nestle lemon splash 0.0