japanese (360)
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870635266020509639 1397986312

Languly green tea cookies: Buttery and rich sandwich cookies with green tea flavoring inside. Comes in a set of four individual packs or 3 cookies each. A little pricy, but very good. 4.0/5.0

languly japanese cookies greentea matcha recommended green tea 4.0
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L'Espoir Simosan cookies: Individually wrapped sandwich cookies with a layer of cream and liquor-soaked raisins. Comes in a royal blue aluminum tin. Cookies are very faintly flavored, buttery yet slightly dry. Cream filling is light. From Japan. 3.0/5.0

simosan lespoir japanese cookies raisins 3.0
Img 20200629 155314

Lipton Tea Ice Bubble Tea Ice Bars: I like seeing how American brands reinvent themselves abroad, offering products especially for foreign markets. I see Lipton tea bottled beverages sometimes in vending machines, for example, where as in the US, I only ever associate the brand with tea bags. Their black milk tea ice cream bars are miniature, about 2/3 the size of American fruit bars, and at 45 calories each, I don't feel bad having them. They have a familiar black milk tea flavor with boba pieces throughout that are actual... (read more) 3.5/5.0

recommended japanese lipton tea ice bubble bars 3.5
Img 3684

Lonely God Japanese Seaweed Flavor Potato Chips: A quintessential Chinese snack whose name is likely the result of a mistranslation, these auger-shaped potato snacks are about 1.5 larger than Frito flavor twists and slightly softer in texture. They're coated in a savory sweet seaweed powder. Purchased from Hong Kong Supermarket, they're one of the many examples of Asian snacks commonly found in 7-11s in Taiwan, but difficult to find in America. Overall, I wish the snack were crispier, and they are sweeter than I prefer for a savory snac... (read more) 3.0/5.0

asian nori chinese hongkongsupermarket lonelygod japanese seaweed flavor potato chips 3.0
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Lotte Koala's March matcha-flavored cookies: Cuteness aside (and these koala snacks are super cute) these are a decent snack. The matcha filling is not overly sweet or rich, and the cookies add crunch (but not much flavor). The portions are kid-sized, so they're not particularly filling. 3.0/5.0

matcha lotte japanese koala cookies greentea koala's march matcha-flavored 3.0
Img 20200318 093725

Lotte Caramel Latte Koala Snacks: I had these Koala snacks all the time growing up in America, but the only flavors I could regularly access were chocolate, strawberry, and matcha. I was excited to find this flavor I hadn't seen before in the local 7-11 in Tokyo. This box contains koala-shaped-biscuits filled with a sort of icing / creme that's caramel latte flavored. Definitely a strong coffee and caramel flavor, but on the dessert-y side, like you're having an ice cream flavored like a caramel latte. I thought the flav... (read more) 2.5/5.0

japanese cute 711 lotte caramel latte koala snacks 2.5