hmart (101)
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Orion Injeolmi Sweet Bean Turtle Chips: A sweet chip flavored with soybean powder and sugar. Individual pieces are multi-layered and crispy, basically the same as Aerial chips if those are familiar to you. Ridged corn chips may also remind Americans of Bugles, but they are not nearly as seasoned. Injelolmi is a Korean dessert that appears to be the same as mochi, cut into squares and dusted with a beige soybean powder that gives it a nutty flavor that isn't overly sweet. I would say this snack was much more dessert-like than s... (read more) 3.0/5.0

korean orion injeolmi sweet bean turtle chips 3.0 hmart
813695614206641428 1397986312

Pocky Matcha: Crunchy biscuit sticks coated with creamy and floral green tea icing. Surprisingly flavorful for its size though artificially flavored. 3.0/5.0

greentea japanese hmart pocky matcha 3.0
1038807512676337354 1397986312

Pocky Cookies and Cream: Creamy coating with bits of chocolate cookie. Cookie bits add texture. Coating had a waxy feel. Flavor overall is reminiscent of Hershey's cookies and cream bars. Sweeter than most Japanese snacks, but not as sweet as American candy. Decent. 3.0/5.0

pocky cookiesandcream japanese hmart cookies 3.0 glico cream
747361103634531638 1397986312

Poki pudding pops: Smooth, milky flavor. Rich and very sweet, but true to the original. 3.0/5.0

frozen hmart poki pudding pops 3.0
863188123701773476 1397986312

Qia Qia spicy roasted peanuts: An addicting mix of chili oil and peanuts with a hint of sweetness. I'm not usually one for peanuts, but these are very good. 4.0/5.0

peanuts chili qiaqia chinese nuts recommended hmart spicy roasted 4.0
747362553664144733 1397986312

Samanco red bean ice cream: Really disappointing. dry styrofoam coating, generic vanilla ice cream, syrupy red bean 1.5/5.0

hmart japanese asian samanco red bean ice cream 1.5 icecream