greentea (34)
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2017 01 30 13.39.26

iTea Honey aloe green tea: At 30% sweetness, this drink still had a prominent but not overpowering honey flavor, but not as much tea as I would prefer. The aloe is gelatinous and plump, with a satisfying bite. Purchased at the iTea on Kearny in San Francisco, which I've found to be dependably good. 3.0/5.0

drinks recommended greentea itea honey aloe green tea 3.0
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Steaz Peach green tea: At this year’s annual Mystery Hunt puzzle competition, my team was stationed close to the 26-100 lecture hall and its cluster of 6 vending machines. This tall can of Steaz came from the machine of non-Coca-Cola-owned beverages selling alternative caffeinated energy drinks. I was looking for a drink to get me through several more hours without the side effect of crashing, and for this, the can did its job-I felt alert and invigorated but not jittery. Flavor-wise, it didn’t stand out to me as ... (read more) 3.0/5.0

organic steaz peach ice tea 3.0 drinks greentea
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Trader Joe's Matcha Almond Beverage: I was really excited to see this Matcha-flavored almond milk at Trader Joe's because I've recently become accustomed to making chia-seed pudding at home, which requires the use of non-dariy milk. As a beverage on its own, it's just ok - the matcha doesn't have the distinct bitterness of a quality matcha drink, but it does taste familiar. They're like the Trader Joe's Matcha Joe Joes - they're perfectly enjoyable as a snack but the matcha flavor is not very good if you really judge it solel... (read more) 3.0/5.0

drinks greentea nondairy traderjoes matcha almond beverage 3.0
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Nature's Soy Matcha Soymilk: I first discovered this brand of asian soymilk at Hong Kong Supermarket in Chinatown but have since found it available at larger chains like Fairway. Since I enjoyed Nature's Soy's black sesame soymilk, I was looking forward to trying their matcha version. The soymilk is a thicker and grainier than most store-bought soymilk, which I don't mind because it tastes fresher. The matcha flavor, though, tastes too similar to matcha-flavored biscuits or cookies to me – overly sweet and hard to dr... (read more) 3.0/5.0

fairway drinks soymilk asian matcha greentea tea naturessoy 3.0
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三星社 green tea castella: Somehow manages to be both moist and slightly dry. Green tea flavor is not bad, but the cake overall is overly sweet. Expensive ($5 for 4 pieces) 2.5/5.0

greentea matcha castella japanese hmart cake sweets green tea 2.5
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Meiji Kyo-matcha chocolates: These thin square chocolates have a light green color and ornate embossed floral design. While it has a concentrated matcha flavor, the chocolate itself has a waxy and dense mouthfeel similar to white chocolate. The ingredient list has sugar followed by cocoa butter, which seems about right. 2.5/5.0

meiji japanese matcha chocolate 2.5 greentea sweets kyo-matcha