granolabar (11)
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2016 07 24 21.16.27

Kind Maple Glazed Pecan and Sea Salt Nut Bar: A granola bar with a variety of textures: there are crunchy nuts and crispy grains, but they're bound together with a sweet and chewy maple glaze. The maple was very sweet, though the bar clearly marks that there is only 5g of sugar (it's not a very big bar, though). The sweetness is also offset by the sea salt, which has a prominent flavor. 3.0/5.0

recommended granolabar nuts kind maple glazed pecan sea salt nut bar 3.0
1039517611598316713 1397986312

Kind peanut butter and dark chocolate bars: Great texture; mostly chewy, but quinoa and other grains add crunch. Flavor itself is classic and not particularly exciting, but the snack overall is wholesome and something you can feel good about. 3.5/5.0

kind granolabar chocolate peanutbutter grains oats quinoa buckwheat 3.5 peanut butter dark bars
1010584853572519843 1397986312

Nature's Path Pumpkin-N-Spice granola bar: Chewy, barely sweetened bar with real pumpkin seeds, flax, and whole grains. Decent spiced flavor, but eats somewhat dry and could use more sweetness. 3.0/5.0

naturespath granolabar organic pumpkin flax pumpkin-n-spice granola bar 3.0
1134417307457848505 1397986312

Trader Joe's sweet, savory, and tart trail mix granola bars: A tangy, nutty, chewy combo with ingredients such as cranberries, chocolate chips, and peanuts. I like that the nuts are chopped and incorporated into the snack, so the texture is chewy rather than crunchy. A good mid-day snack. 3.5/5.0

traderjoes trailmix chewy granolabar recommended 3.5 sweet savory tart trail mix granola bars
1168604772833723888 1397986312

Trader Joe's rolled oats and peanut butter fiberful granola bars: Like most fiber bars, all semblance of healthfulness is masked in candy-bar coatings. This one has a chocolate base, drizzled chocolate, and a chewy peanut butter and oats foundation. Don't get me wrong: I'm not complaining. This candy bar that just so happens to have 9g of fiber is a filling snack to get you through your post-lunch hunger pang. 3.5/5.0

traderjoes granolabar peanubutter oats chocolate recommended 3.5 rolled peanut butter fiberful granola bars