Icee popping candy: People who know me know I'm not into movies. But the one thing I did love about movies as a kid was having an excuse to get an Icee, the horrendously sweet, artificially flavored slushie that turned your mouth blue. My latest munchpak contained an assortment of pop-rocks-style Icee candies with an accompanying lollipop, presumably to be eaten like Fundip. I skipped the lollipop and had each flavor individually. All had a familiar taste, but just like the drinks, the blue raspberry was the be... (read more) 2.5/5.0
munchpak icee poprocks candy raspberry cherry orange 2.5 poppingPearson's nut goodies: This staple candy bar from St. Paul, MN consists of a substantial nougat layer, roasted peanuts, and milk chocolate. The nougat is soft and similar in texture to almond joy filling (without the coconut) - it dissolves on the tongue. Very sweet overall (28g of sugar). Peanuts and milk chocolate are what you would expect in a typical vending machine snack. The most unique element is the nougat. 2.5/5.0
pearsons nutgoodies peanuts nougat chocolate milkchocolate candy stpaul 2.5 nut goodiesAbdallah vanilla cream caramels: Wanting to bring back a local confectionary, I walked through several terminals at MSP in Minnesota and came across this brand. I was sold by the golden Made in Minnesota seal as well as the non-chocolate options. Each piece is substantial and has a classic, buttery richness. As someone who loves caramel candies, I'm a fan. 3.5/5.0
abdallah minnesota candy caramel vanilla 3.5 recommended cream caramelsCrown Peanut Log: This exceptionally substantial candy bar comes from Georgia, where peanut logs are apparently a tradition. Having never heard of them before, I was surprised to find a white nougat interior hidden by a generous coating of roasted peanuts. The nougat melts in your mouth as only highly fatty snacks can do. Holding the peanuts to the chewy interior is a thin caramel layer. A few bites of this highly sweetened snack is enough, as it should be given that a serving size is only half the bar. In sm... (read more) 3.0/5.0
peanutlog munchpak peanut crowncandies candy 3.0 crown logBiscolata dublex: Turkish chocolate bar with a biscuit foundation and cream-filled milk chocolate. Excessive? There is 16g of saturated fat in a bar, 100% of your daily recommended serving. (In)conveniently, the nutrition facts are discretely covered by the wrapper's fold, and the sugar content is nowhere to be found. Flavor-wise, we have a common vending machine milk chocolate bar with a crunchy biscuit base: familiar and generally inoffensive. 2.5/5.0
biscolata turkish munchpak chocolate biscuit 2.5 candy foreign dublex