butter (38)
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747363501224527229 1397986312

Trader Joe's rolled oats & peanut butter fiberful granola bars: Pretty much a delicious, fiber-fortified candy bar. 3.5/5.0

recommended candy traderjoes rolled oats peanut butter fiberful granola bars 3.5
1029206073222137009 1397986312

Trader Joe's Peanut Butter & Oat Bars: Honestly tastes more like a cookie than an oat bar, but I'll take it! Surprisingly moist and filling. Good peanut butter flavor and chewy texture. 3.5/5.0

traderjoes peanutbutter recommended peanuts oat fiber 3.5 peanut butter bars
1072154686617061128 1397986312

Trader Joe's peanut butter & jelly nonfat Greek yogurt: A unique yogurt flavor I haven't seen from another brand. The yogurt captures the essence of peanut butter and jelly in a surprisingly faithful way. So much so that I wanted a glass of milk afterward. The yogurt itself is thin and watery for Greek yogurt; not the best texture. Nonetheless, TJ's scores some points for originality here. 3.5/5.0

traderjoes pbj yogurt greekyogurt snack dairy recommended 3.5 peanut butter jelly nonfat greek
1168604772833723888 1397986312

Trader Joe's rolled oats and peanut butter fiberful granola bars: Like most fiber bars, all semblance of healthfulness is masked in candy-bar coatings. This one has a chocolate base, drizzled chocolate, and a chewy peanut butter and oats foundation. Don't get me wrong: I'm not complaining. This candy bar that just so happens to have 9g of fiber is a filling snack to get you through your post-lunch hunger pang. 3.5/5.0

traderjoes granolabar peanubutter oats chocolate recommended 3.5 rolled peanut butter fiberful granola bars
Pxl 20210427 194749552

Trader Joe's Chocolate & Peanut Butter Joe Joe's Sandwich Cookies: I'm not sure if there's anything more American than these single-cookie serving size sandwich cookies from Trader Joe's, with alternating peanut butter and chocolate layers (essentially an Oreo with peanut butter filling, covered in a peanut butter frosting-like exterior drizzled with more chocolate). On a hot day, the waxy outer coating can melt quickly in your hand. It tastes a bit like a better quality Reese's cup, but with a cookie base (the quality of the chocolate, in particular, is ... (read more) 3.0/5.0

cookies tjs traderjoes chocolate peanut butter joe joe's sandwich 3.0
B24c93cc 8681 4ebf 8d07 58baad99ece3

Trader Joe’s Peanut Butter protein granola: These clusters are more like cereal than granola, with a peanut butter flavor that leans more savory than sweet. There are some halved roasted peanuts mixed in too. I don’t really like that it falls in this no-mans-land as neither a sweet nor salty snack. And size wise, it’s impractical to eat as a cereal, yet not as substantial as eating a granola bar. A fairly forgettable snack from Trader Joe’s. 2.5/5.0

peanutbutter traderjoes peanut butter protein granola 2.5