bbq (13)
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789191740993341078 1397986312

Terra BBQ blue chips: Thickly sliced, tangy chips with a smoky, sweet flavor. Slightly over seasoned. 3.0/5.0

bluechips terra chips potatochips bbq blue 3.0
895155130621789441 1397986312

Cape Cod sweet mesquite potato chips: Crunchy kettle cooked chips with a fairly expected but decent BBQ flavor. 3.0/5.0

capecod potatochips bbq mesquit sweet mesquite potato chips 3.0
1025696833517946740 1397986312

Kettle Real Sliced Potatoes hickory honey bbq potato chips: Why brands put "real" in their product names is beyond me - what's unreal about the original product line? Nonetheless, these chips seem to be cut thicker than normal, with a ring around them showing the skin of the potato. Good crunch. BBQ flavor is not distinctive but not bad either. 3.0/5.0

kettle potatochips chips potato bbq smoked 3.0 real sliced potatoes hickory honey
1224265912045307148 1397986312

365 Organic barbecue potato chips: Slightly smoky mesquite flavored chips. Overall impact is pretty mild. Crispy and thinly cut. 3.0/5.0

wholefoods 365 barbecue chips potatochips bbq 3.0 organic potato
16916a56 dcee 42ee 9821 a69fb929620b

Osem BBQ Bissli: Israeli snack that is similarly shaped to spiral Fritos, but with a darker color, which I think is due to mixed grains. Same crunchy consistency. A fairly neutral bbq flavor - neither too sweet or overly smoky. 3.0/5.0

osem bbq bissli 3.0
Img 20190518 142435

Trader Joe's Barbecue popped Ridges: Basically TJ's version of PopChips, though their version is a little thicker and larger in diameter. The barbecue leans more sweet than savory and is an altogether familiar blend reminiscent of Barbecue Lay's. Overall, a decent snack if you want a lighter alternative to potato chips but are still craving that traditional bbq flavor. 3.0/5.0

corn potato bbq traderjoes barbecue popped ridges 3.0