almond (52)
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Kind almond and coconut fruit and nut bar: Good coconut flavor with whole almonds embedded throughout. I found the texture to be quite dense and unnecessarily difficult to chew. On the sweet side. 3.0/5.0

kind coconut fruit almonds nuts almond nut bar 3.0
2016 11 29 07.45.16

18 Rabbits Organic Peanut, Almond and Coconut Gracious Granola: There's a game I like to play at Berkeley Bowl that I call "Is it worth it?" Is that bag of cheese puffs so good to warrant $5 a bag? Is that bag of Granola actually worth $7? That's the question I asked when I purchased this San Francisco-based brand of granola that contains oats, almonds and pecans, and pumpkin seeds and is flavored with maple syrup and coconut. It isn't too sweet, but it has a rich, buttery flavor (and the fat content to prove it). Opening the bag releases a fragrant c... (read more) 3.0/5.0

organic granola berkeleybowl 18rabbits peanut almond coconut gracious 3.0
2017 01 13 09.58.22

Creative Snack Co. Vanilla Almond Granola: Offered as a complimentary snack on my Delta flight. Better-than-average granola, with decently-sized clusters and a naturally honey sweetness. A welcome snack when you have few other options thousands of feet in the air, but I wouldn't purchase it on the ground. 3.0/5.0

delta flight creativesnackco vanilla almond granola 3.0
2017 01 22 18.03.02

Kashi Dark Mocha Almond Chewy Granola Bars: Leaning towards the crunchier side of the chewy granola bar spectrum, Kashi's whole grain granola bars contain barley, rye, and oats, as well as roasted almonds and sizable dark chocolate chips. Very lightly sweetened with a mild mocha flavor. I was hoping it would be more filling, but the bar alone would not be enough for the afternoon, and having two granola bars just feels like too much. Overall, it's decent, but not a product I'd likely purchase again. 3.0/5.0

chocolate oats kashi dark mocha almond chewy granola bars 3.0
2017 01 22 18.03.20

Kashi Chocolate Almond Sea Salt with Chia Chewy Granola Bars: Slightly better than the previously reviewed mocha almond bar flavor, this Kashi bar is similarly textured but has a more distinct salted flavor and larger chunks of chocolate. Falls safely in granola bar territory (as opposed to candy bar, which these snacks sometimes wander into). Oats, chia seeds, and nuts offer varied crunchy and chewy textures. 3.0/5.0

granolabars kashi chocolate almond sea salt chia chewy granola bars 3.0
2017 05 20 13.16.04

Blockheads Black sesame shaved ice with red bean, rice cakes, almond jelly, and condensed milk: Finally got to try this LA-based Taiwanese shaved ice chain. The black sesame ice cream had decent flavor but the texture was not as fluffy as I knew it could be given my recent experience at Powder in San Francisco. At Blockheads, they make their rice cakes in house, which are essentially tang yuan (the mochi-like glutinous rice dumplings that often accompany red bean soup). I expected their almond jelly to be almond jello, but it was more like the harder gelatin cubes often used in Asia... (read more) 3.0/5.0

dessert icecream asian losangeles shaved ice rice cakes almond jelly condensed milk 3.0 redbean blacksesame blockheads