3.5 (544)
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Sun Tropics Golden Curry Mochi Snack Bites: This is the second flavor I've had from Sun Tropic's Mochi Snack Bites line, purchased at Ballard Market. The Golden Curry flavor has a warming spiced flavor that I haven't seen in many western grocery stores, and it has an unexpectedly sweet aftertaste. The bites are crunchy and dense but in a filling, substantial way. Would definitely purchase again. 3.5/5.0

ballardmarket recommended suntropics golden curry mochi snack bites 3.5
Img 0848

4505 Spicy Green Chili & Lime Pork Cracklins: Cracklings are one of the few meat-based snacks you can find in the snack aisle in western grocery stores (compared to the variety of seafood-flavored options you have in Asia), and cracklings seem to represent the most moorish cravings, with their typically high salt and fat content. This bag from San Francisco-based BBQ shop 4505 features pork skin covered with a spiced green chili powder and a bright finish of lime. I found them to be a little bit on the salty side and much crunchier (a... (read more) 3.5/5.0

cracklings ballardmarket 4505 spicy green chili lime pork cracklins 3.5
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Trader Joe's Spicy Porkless Plant-Based Snack Rinds: I haven't had many versions of vegetarian "rinds," but Trader Joe's uses a base of rice and peas while still capturing the wrinkled, puffed texture of pork scratchings (though they lack the oily texture you typically get from meat-based snacks). They're flavored like a sweet barbecue with a kick just spicy enough to make the "spicy" labelling accurate. A good alternative to those who like scratchings but can't eat meat (or choose not to). 3.5/5.0

recommended traderjoes spicy porkless snack rinds 3.5 plant-based
Img 1088

Mighty-O Donuts Apple Cider Donut: I miss the apple cider donuts you can get on the east coast in the fall, so I decided to try the PNW version of it at the local vegan donut shop. This one had icing rather than a powdered seasoning but has a similar cakey texture that was quite moist for a vegan donut. The apple cider flavor is comfortingly spiced but definitely on the sweet side. High on yummy impact. 3.5/5.0

seattle mightyodonuts apple cider donut 3.5
Img 1155

Legally Addictive Surprise Party Cookies: Another item from my snack box was a set of "cookies made from crackers," which were biscuit-based crackers loaded with a kitchen sink of ingredients some may crave (half dipped in chocolate and covered in sprinkles, toffee coated on the other side). As someone who has always felt sprinkles are both frivolous and awful tasting, these sprinkles were fairly neutral – at the very least a largely tasteless (flavor-wise) version of a tasteless (aesthetically) decoration. The best part was the t... (read more) 3.5/5.0

recommended legallyaddictive surprise party cookies 3.5
Img 1101

Cocojune Strawberry Rhubarb Organic Cultured Coconut: This vegan yogurt replaces milk with coconut and eats more like a custard than dairy-based yogurt. The fruit (organic strawberry and rhubarb) has been fully mixed, giving the product a generally smooth consistency. I found the thick texture to be compelling for an alternative yogurt, falling in between regular and greek yogurt in thickness. And the product is not overly sweet, with 7g of sugar in a package. That being said, because it's coconut based, it is high in saturated fat (65% of ... (read more) 3.5/5.0

recommended cocojune strawberry rhubarb organic cultured coconut 3.5 sprout yogurt