747324355550414223 1397986312

Green Bee Lemon Sting: Crisp, lemon herbal soda. fresh honey sweetness 3.5/5.0

greenbee lemon sting soda drinks recommended
747324594365695380 1397986312

Sofra semolina and pistachio cake: Moist, not too sweet. perfect size for a small snack. 3.5/5.0

sofra semolina pistachio cake recommended sweets
747325241228035488 1397986312

Uludag Gazoz: Predominantly berry-flavored. Nicely carbonated. Smells somewhat like cough syrup. 2.5/5.0

soda drinks uludag gazoz
747328065412302297 1397986312

Kimura Drink ginger ale with wasabi: Just a little hint of wasabi at the end. not too sweet. crisp and refreshing. 3.5/5.0

kimuradrink ginger ale wasabi recommended
747328351639995871 1397986312

Mitsuwa Chicago mochi red bean cake: Rubbery texture outside, difficult to chew, filling ok. overall, not worth it. 1.5/5.0

mitsuwachicago mochi red bean cake avoid sweets
747328603088520677 1397986312

Sioux City ginger beer: Not the most potent, but a well-rounded ginger beer. 3.0/5.0

soda siouxcity ginger beer drinks