water (41)
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2017 01 12 19.03.28

La Croix Peach Pear Sparkling Water: Finally had a can of this trendy sparkling water at a catered event. Concentrated fruit flavor with a tropical vibe - can't say I would have been able to identify it as pear-flavored if I hadn't seen the label, but the peach flavor reminds me a bit of peach gummies. Surprisingly contains no artificial sweeteners. High level of carbonation. Not convinced enough to purchase on my own, but it wasn't bad. 3.0/5.0

drinks lacroix sparklingwater peach pear sparkling water 3.0
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La Croix Coconut sparkling water: I tend to avoid La Croix, largely because I never buy cases of soda. But ever time I try it, I'm surprised how decent it is given its mass appeal. This coconut one had a concentrated tropical flavor and good level of carbonation. Good job people of America in promoting a quality product. 3.0/5.0

drinks soda seltzer lacroix coconut sparkling water 3.0
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H2C Coconut Water: At this point, I bucket coconut water into three categories: ones that have a strong, slightly off flavor (somewhat metallic, too sweet, etc), those that are just fine, and those that have the lightest and cleanest flavor. This one is just fine - nothing makes it stand out as being particularly good or bad. But given the price of coconut water, I would only recommend those that fall in the last category. 3.0/5.0

coconutwater drinks h2c coconut water 3.0
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Tretap Organic maple sparkling tree water: I'm conflicted about this drink because, on the one hand, it tastes shockingly accurate, with a deeply sweet maple flavor that somehow only lends 3g of sugar per serving, yet I'm not sure why anyone would want an entire 12oz can of sparkling, liquid maple syrup. If that person is you, check this drink out. If not, take comfort in knowing it would taste exactly as you would expect it to. 3.0/5.0

drinks soda vermont tretap organic maple sparkling tree water 3.0
2016 07 11 20.41.58

Good Belly coconut water: I purchased two more GoodBelly flavors because of a sale at Whole Foods. The first I tried was coconut water with probiotics added. The drink has a slightly green milky tint, with brown sediments on the bottom. It has a strange flavor added on top of coconut water (I think from the grape juice listed on the ingredients). Not recommended. 2.5/5.0

drinks wholefoods goodbelly coconut water 2.5 coconutwater
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Poland Spring black cherry sparkling water: Unlike the favorably reviewed raspberry lime flavor, I found this bottle to have an unpleasantly salty aftertaste. Black cherry flavor is decent. Not one of the best. 2.5/5.0

polandspring blackcherry drinks sparklingwater 2.5 black cherry sparkling water