traderjoes (133)
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Trader Joe's Blueberry Lavender almond flavored beverage: I've tried a few of these flavored almond milks from Trader Joe's up to this point, and I'm starting to wonder why I'm still bothering to purchase them. The matcha flavor I bought previously was not very good, and this drink reminds me of a liquid form of blueberry-flavored yogurt, with an artificial blueberry flavor that doesn't taste very much of the normally slightly tart fruit. I wasn't able to discern any lavender flavor, though it tasted more of vanilla to me. A really weird drink t... (read more) 2.5/5.0

drinks almondmilk traderjoes blueberry lavender almond flavored beverages 2.5
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Trader Joe's Neapolitan Puffs Cereal: I like beans a lot, but I didn't expect to have them in my cereal. I unknowing purchased this bean-based cereal from Trader Joe's (I bought them because I was intrigued by the idea of Neapolitan cereal). It's made with a combination of chickpea, navy bean, and pinto bean powder along with brown rice. The crunch is heartier than normal corn and rice-based cereal (such as Kix, though the puffs are similar in size) and I can definitely taste that the cereal has "something" extra underneath t... (read more) 2.5/5.0

strawberry chocolate vanilla breakfast traderjoes neapolitan puffs cereal 2.5
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Trader Joe's triple fruit threat: Far too sweet, even w/ plain oatmeal. Imbalanced mix of fruits. First TJ mix I dislike 2.0/5.0

dried fruit driedfruit traderjoes triple threat 2.0
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Trader Joe's wild salmon jerky: Texture is surprisingly similar to meat but the flavor is very fishy (not in a pleasant way). Brown sugar and maple syrup add a strange sweetness. Not good and expensive. 2.0/5.0

jerky salmon traderjoes avoid wild 2.0
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Trader Joe's Pfeffernüsse: German cookies with a hard coating dusted in powdered sugar. The white exterior is strongly spiced, reminiscent of wintermint, which I find to be overly strong for the more neutral gingerbread-flavored cookie. They are a mess to eat and require a plate to avoid crumbs and dust ending up all over yourself. The packaging suggests pairing with a hot beverage, which I believe would help, but on their own, these snacks are a pass. 2.0/5.0

cookies german spiced traderjoes pfeffernisse 2.0
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Trader Joe's Grand Slam: I think I bought this snack because its color scheme reminded me of Boston, but its mix of caramel corn and nuts is far too sweet that it actually makes your teeth hurt. Also, no toy inside, so Cracker Jack has it beat. 2.0/5.0

popcorn nuts traderjoes grand slam 2.0