tea (177)
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Jia Duo Bao herbal tea: Sweet and refreshing chilled tea that tastes of grass jelly. Minimalist packaging but classic flavor. 4.0/5.0

tea chinese grassjelly drinks recommended herbaltea jiaduobao herbal 4.0
2016 07 11 18.13.23

Jia Duo Bao Herbal Tea: This brand of herbal tea seems to have dropped its iconic red bottle for a new golden one. Nonetheless, the flavor is exactly the same: more sweet than herbal but with a refreshing honey flavor. 2.5/5.0

drinks asian chinese jiaduobao herbal tea 2.5
Img 3181

Kam Hing Jujube Tea: Kam Hing is a cash-only shop on Baxter in Chinatown that is known mostly for their $1 sponge cakes that come in a variety of flavors. To accompany my sponge cake (review forthcoming), I purchased an iced jujube tea, made to order with chopped up dried jujube dates on the bottom (a popular Chinese snack). The drink instantly brought me back to Taiwan, where I spent some summers in my childhood – the beverage tasted like sweetened honey water, and the beverage softened & hydrated the diced j... (read more) 4.0/5.0

recommended drinks chinatown nyc kamhing jujube tea 4.0
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KDP Corn Silk Tea: This calorie and sugar-free tea has a rich flavor reminiscent of barley tea. It isn't one of the better teas I've purchased from Hmart, but it's not bad per se. Tastes a little bit syrupy. 2.5/5.0

cornsilktea drinks korean hmart tea corn 2.5 kdp silk
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Kikkoman Pearl organic green tea soymilk: Delicious soymilk drink that's also fortified with calcium and high in protein. Texture is smooth, and green tea flavor is very good. Well balanced and not overly sweet. Great flavored soymilk! 4.0/5.0

kikkoman greentea matcha pearl organic soymilk protein drinks recommended asian hmart kikkomanpearl green tea 4.0
Img 3572

Kirin Rich Green Tea: If you can believe it, I have a months-worth of backlog for snack reviews. I purchased this bottle of green tea back when I was doing a retreat at the Recurse Center. I liked buying large bottles of green tea to drink at work for cost-effectiveness, and I found that the best selection could be found at Hong Kong Supermarket in NYC's Chinatown. I typically purchased Ito-En teas, but I decided to give this slightly less expensive bottle of green tea a try. It was decent, but more bitter th... (read more) 3.0/5.0

drinks matcha chinatown kirin rich green tea 3.0