soy (22)
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Uji Time Tofu Soft Serve: This flavor has eluded me for several months. I sampled the tofu the first time I ever came to this Japanese ice cream shop in Berkeley and loved it but opted for the classic black sesame for my first cup. Ever subsequent time I went back to Uji, the tofu was sold out. Finally, a few months ago, I was able to get it, but this time, the texture had degraded a bit, with the soft serve being uncharacteristically icy. Still, the soy milk flavor is excellent and easily identifiable to anyone ... (read more) 3.0/5.0

softserve icecream berkeley soymilk soy ujitime tofu soft serve 3.0
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WholeSoy & Co key lime yogurt: Surprisingly convincing non-dairy yogurt. Texture is smooth and thick, and the key lime flavor is sharp. A little on the sweet side, but on the whole, impressive. 4.0/5.0

yogurt keylime soy lime dairyfree wholesoyco recommended key 4.0
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Wild Harvest organic soymilk: Smooth and creamy with a hint of sweetness. Adds a lot of flavor to oatmeal, but also is very refreshing on its own. 3.5/5.0

wildharvest organic soymilk soy milk recommended drinks 3.5
2017 05 06 18.36.37

Tai Arare: I purchased this snack from Tokyo Fish Market, a Japanese grocery store in Berkeley, hoping the fish-shaped crackers would be seafood flavored, as many Asian snacks are. The Chinese character on the packaging even literally translates to "red snapper" (though I have to admit that I had to use Google Translate to determine that). Despite the name and shape, the crackers are just regular glazed rice crackers – crunchy, sweeter than you would expect, but still with a savory soy aftertaste. A... (read more) 3.0/5.0

tokyofishmarket ricecrackers soy japanese tai arare 3.0