soy (22)
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1201924719080933289 1397986312

Nancy's plain soy yogurt: Oddly, the plain flavor of this product has more sugar than either the blueberry or strawberry flavors I tried, with 15g per cup. With the plain yogurt, the true flavor of the product really comes through, and it's not particularly pleasant. It tastes like a highly concentrated piece of tofu and, for some reason, had a savory aftertaste despite the sugar. I found myself adding honey to mask the strong flavor. 2.0/5.0

soy yogurt nancys organic plain 2.0 wholefoods
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Nancy's strawberry soy yogurt: Similar to the blueberry flavor I previously reviewed, this yogurt may not look very appetizing (the brownish color reminds of a liver pâé), but it tastes pretty good. Because it's non-dairy, it has a unique texture more like custard than traditional yogurt. The strawberry flavor is pleasant. 3.0/5.0

nancys organic yogurt soy wholefoods strawberry 3.0
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Nancy's cultured soy blueberry yogurt: A non-dairy yogurt whose texture resembles a slightly grainy chawanmushi. While this may sound unappetizing (and its brown-purple hue doesn't help), it's actually pretty decent as far as soy yogurts go. The yogurt is slightly less sweet than many alternatives (13g in a serving), and the soy gives it a lighter flavor. I liked it more than I expected to. 3.0/5.0

nancys soy yogurt blueberry 3.0 wholefoods organic cultured
Psx 20181113 090353

Nature's Soy Black sesame soy milk: I love Asian soy milk, which tends to be a lot less sweet and taste of actual soybeans/tofu compared to American soymilk (there's a very good chapter on this in the book Organic inc.), so when I went to Hong Kong Supermarket in Chinatown NYC, I checked out the refrigerated, fresh soy milk options. This brand happened to have black sesame and matcha soymilk, two of my favorite flavors. Since the half gallons we're quite large and black sesame is a bit more unqiue for this category, I purchase... (read more) 4.0/5.0

recommended soymilk asian chinese nyc hongkongsupermarket drinks naturessoy black sesame soy milk 4.0
Img 20181229 101825

Nature's Soy Unsweetened Soymilk: I was hoping to find the Matcha-flavored soymilk from Nature's Soy at Hong Kong Supermarket, but it seemed like they were out so I purchased the unsweetened version instead. This soymilk has a thinner consistency and is more bean flavored than other soy milk brands, but I wished that it was thicker and more substantial. For a healthy drink, it's good, but not great. 3.0/5.0

drinks hongkongsupermarket soy naturessoy unsweetened soymilk 3.0
2016 08 01 07.25.28

Silk Peach Mango Yogurt: This soy-based, dairy-free yogurt is much thinner than regular yogurt in texture, but the tropical peach and mango flavor is fairly unique. About average for yogurts, and also for non-dairy ones I've tried. 2.5/5.0

silk peach mango yogurt 2.5 soy