seaweed (31)
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747344859883669331 1397986312

Kirkland roasted seasoned seaweed: Highly seasoned Korean nori, large sheets, leaves fingers greasy 2.5/5.0

costco korean nori kirkland roasted seasoned seaweed 2.5
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Haioreum roasted seaweed: Perfectly sized for a small snack, a bit salty but nonetheless has good flavor 2.5/5.0

korean asian haioreum roasted seaweed 2.5
2016 08 25 18.21.59

Tao Kae Noi Spicy Hi tempura seaweed: This version of the TKN seaweed snack is backed with a layer of fried tempura, giving it more rigidity and bite. The flavor is a bit like ramen seasoning packets but with a more prominent nori flavor. While the bag is resealable, the entire package can easily be consumed in one serving – not because it's particularly tasty, but because there isn't much in it. 2.5/5.0

hmart japanese taokaenoi spicy hi tempura seaweed 2.5
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Tohato Poteko Seaweed Flavored Potato Rings: Potato rings sized for small hands, dusted with a seaweed powder. Texturally, somewhere between a cracker and chip (less crispy than Fritos but more dense than a normal cracker). Overall, a bit bland. 2.5/5.0

japanese tohato poteko seaweed flavored potato rings 2.5
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Tohato Amijaga Norisioaji: Thick, waffle-shaped chips. Very slight seaweed flavor. Not memorable. 2.0/5.0

japanese asian seaweed chips crackers waffle tohatoamijaga norisioaji 2.0 nori
1154743142660212085 1397986312

Paldo roasted seaweed: Korean seaweed snack that is on the greasy side and not as crisp as I would have liked. Not one of the better Asian roasted seaweed I've tried. 2.0/5.0

paldo seaweed munchpak goodingredint 2.0 korean roasted