red (22)
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Sea & Me seafood dumplings with red pepper: Frozen Korean dumplings that have a lot of flavor and are filled with glass noodles, calamari, and fish. Slightly spicy. 3.5/5.0

gyoza dumplings seafood korean hmart recommended seame red pepper 3.5
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Wei-Chuan red bean and jelly popsicle: Icy bar studded with red beans and slivers of green jelly. Jelly adds an intriguing texture but is mostly flavorless. Pop as a whole is in the sweet side. 2.5/5.0

hmart asian chinese weichuan red bean jelly popsicle 2.5
Img 2981

Yogurt Pump Red Raspberry Frozen Yogurt: During my visit to Chapel Hill, I tried to seek out local ice cream shops and found the independently-owned Yogurt Pump among Ben and Jerry's and Coldstone Creamery. On offer was about 8 different flavors, ranging from salted caramel to red velvet cake. After sampling the strawberry lemonade (which was extremely sweet), I asked what the least sweet options were, to which the response was Vanilla or Oreo. That was worrisome. But I ultimately decided to order a small serving of the red ras... (read more) 2.5/5.0

froyo chapelhill yogurtpump red raspberry frozen yogurt 2.5
Pxl 20210110 073415001 2

今川焼千駄木 Imagawayaki red been wheel cake : I took a detour on my daily walk and came across this small shop with a decently sized line. Since there are no tourists in Japan right now, lines are for sure signs of a local favorite. The little stand only sells imagawayaki, which are enclosed wheel-shaped pancakes filled with red bean. They have three flavors on the menu: red bean, custard, and one other that I couldn't figure out through direct translation (しるあん), and all of them are made to order using a traditional Japanese mold. They... (read more) 4.5/5.0

exceptional sendagi japanese dessert tokyo imagawayaki red been wheel cake 4.5