quadratini (2)
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2016 10 23 10.57.37

Loacker Blackcurrant Quadratini Wafer Cookies: Generally, I'm a fan of the Italian brand Loacker, which offers square snack-sized wafers in a variety of flavors. I found the blackcurrant flavor to be especially good because they are actually more tart than sweet. The wafers are crispy and thin, and because they are thick, they feel like a substantial snack despite the bite-size package. Definitely one of the best Loacker wafers I've had. 4.0/5.0

recommended sweets berries loacker blackcurrant quadratini wafer cookies 4.0
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Quadratini Raspberry Yogurt Wafers: I generally enjoy Quadratini wafers for their consistent quality and solid flavor. The square shaped wafers are crispy and thick, and this raspberry yogurt version was definitely tangy enough to distinguish itself from a pure raspberry fruit flavor. Well balanced overall, though it isn’t one of my favorites. If you enjoy berry flavors that have some depth, this one is worth trying. 3.5/5.0

recommended sweets quadratini raspberry yogurt wafers 3.5