popsicle (8)
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Wei-Chuan red bean and jelly popsicle: Icy bar studded with red beans and slivers of green jelly. Jelly adds an intriguing texture but is mostly flavorless. Pop as a whole is in the sweet side. 2.5/5.0

hmart asian chinese weichuan red bean jelly popsicle 2.5
Img 20200510 194016

Meiji Ujikintoki Ice Bars: I've been very slowly working through this box of popsicles for about a month now. Having previously tried a Lotte version of packaged kakigori ice bars, I decided to try this matcha version not realizing it was from a different brand (Meiji). These ice cream bars are really quite bad; the green tea ice is very hard and crunchy and lacks flavor, whole red bean throughout the ice have a very dry texture, the viscous condensed milk that sits on top of it is far too sweet, and the outer coati... (read more) 1.5/5.0

popsicles japanese dessert avoid maretsu icecream popsicle meiji ujikintoki ice bars 1.5