japanese (360)
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2016 08 25 18.21.59

Tao Kae Noi Spicy Hi tempura seaweed: This version of the TKN seaweed snack is backed with a layer of fried tempura, giving it more rigidity and bite. The flavor is a bit like ramen seasoning packets but with a more prominent nori flavor. While the bag is resealable, the entire package can easily be consumed in one serving – not because it's particularly tasty, but because there isn't much in it. 2.5/5.0

hmart japanese taokaenoi spicy hi tempura seaweed 2.5
1144498789509530941 1397986312

Ginza Tokyo Sugar Butter Sand Tree cookies: Japanese sandwich cookies with a dense, crunchy exterior (somewhat flaky when you bite through it) and a cloyingly sweet icing in the middle reminiscent of cereal milk. Nice packaging, but disappointing flavor. 2.5/5.0

japanese cookie sugarbuttersandtree 2.5 foreign ginzatokyo sugar butter sand tree cookies
13298109 599965700159591 933099985 n

Meiji Kyo-matcha chocolates: These thin square chocolates have a light green color and ornate embossed floral design. While it has a concentrated matcha flavor, the chocolate itself has a waxy and dense mouthfeel similar to white chocolate. The ingredient list has sugar followed by cocoa butter, which seems about right. 2.5/5.0

meiji japanese matcha chocolate 2.5 greentea sweets kyo-matcha
2017 03 04 10.26.06

Ikedaya Mangetsu: Shrimp crackers in disc form, flavored with sesame seeds, cuttlefish, and MSG. Similarly textured to the bright pink shrimp crackers sometimes offered at American-ized Chinese restaurants, those these are a bit more dense. Not as boldly flavored as shrimp crackers, though the nori does add a new salinity to the mix. Purchased from Tokyo Fish Market in Berkeley. 2.5/5.0

japanese shrimp crackers seafood tokyofishmarket ikedaya mangetsu 2.5
2017 05 21 11.16.52

Koikeya Pride Potato Hidennoko Norishio: Nori-flavored potato chips from Japan. Texture is less crispy than American potato chips, so you don't get the same satisfying crunch. Light on seasoning. Not bad, but not particularly good either. 2.5/5.0

chips japanese nori potatochips koikeyapridepotato hidennoko norishio 2.5
46807137 cdea 4182 aae3 d073d4d97f38

車えび : This snack was part of a larger gift set shared in my office's kitchen area, a place where abandoned snacks go to be consumed by unassuming coworkers. Myself being one of them, I took at random one of the sealed packages, expecting it to be sweet Japanese biscuits or cookies. I was surprised, to say the least, when I found what appeared to be dried, flattened prawns (head, legs, and all), fried to a crisp, along with what appeared to be thin wheat crackers with swirls of nori. Several attemp... (read more) 2.5/5.0

japanese seafood shrimp 2.5