japanese (360)
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Pxl 20210304 111000585

Meiji My Style Apollo Strawberry Chocolate: These are fun conical chocolate strawberry snacks that I discovered, through my research, are meant to resemble Mount Fuji, which makes them extra Japanese. About 3/4 of the cone is a pink strawberry chocolate, and the last quarter is a milk chocolate base. The chocolate has a satisfying snap, and the strawberry is also nicely tart, though overall it's definitely on the sweet side. I can see how if I grew up eating them, they could easily have become a nostalgic favorite. 3.5/5.0

recommended japanese meiji my style apollo strawberry chocolate 3.5
Pxl 20210220 104213555

Morinaga Strawberry aloe yogurt: I will miss aloe yogurt, with it's combination of tangy loose yogurt and chewy, juicy aloe cubes. While it seems like the soft-on-soft textures might not be a match, they are unexpectedly harmonious. This strawberry version has the typically sweet berry flavor you'd expect alongside small pieces of strawberry. I like it as much as the original -- it's definitely a standard snack you can find anywhere, but it's dependably good. 3.5/5.0

recommended japanese aeon morinaga strawberry aloe yogurt 3.5
Pxl 20210228 095405378.night

Ginza Akebono Sakura Mochi: The first time I had sakura mochi, pink mochi wrapped in a cherry blossom leaf, it was from Fugetsu-Do in Los Angeles, I was surprised by the sweet and savory combination. The leaf is typically pickled and has a concentrated salty flavor that can catch you off guard if you're used to the mild and sweet anko-filled dessert. This version of sakura mochi was purchased from the Ginza sweets shop Ginza Akebono, where I had previously tried their strawberry-covered mochi. The chewiness of the m... (read more) 3.5/5.0

recommended japanese ginza tokyo ginzaakebono sakura mochi 3.5
Pxl 20210326 002659682

Nichirei Cheese waffles: Probably meant for kids, I was nonetheless intrigued by the idea of cheese-filled waffle sticks and grabbed this bag from the frozen aisle as I was waiting in line at Aeon. They're a bit bigger than fish sticks but definitely portable and easy to heat up in the microwave. Surprisingly, the texture of the waffles is pretty decent, and it has a fluffier, softer consistency than the crispy waffles you might make in an iron, but the same familiar eggy flavor. The cheese is very minimal and mild,... (read more) 3.5/5.0

recommended japanese frozen aeon nichirei cheese waffles 3.5
Pxl 20210203 040050128

Calbee Jagariko Salad Potato Sticks: These cylindrical potato sticks are a staple in convenient stores in Japan, typically packaged in small bucket-shaped containers for single serving snacking, but they are also available in multiple-servings pouches from supermarkets. The salad flavor incorporates flecks of orange and green, potentially to signal that carrots, celery, and other seemingly heathier things have been added, but the main taste is of fried potato and oil. They have a satisfying, substantial crunch yet hold their s... (read more) 3.5/5.0

recommended japanese coop calbee jagariko salad potato sticks 3.5
Img 20200330 203133

Hop Shu-Kuri-Mu Matcha and red bean bread: There is a small bakery in the heart of Azabu-Juban in Tokyo that has the most delicious cream puffs – they also sell a variety of other baked goods, including fresh loaves of bread with visually striking swirls of flavor baked in, similar to what you might see for flavored milk bread loaves at Asian bakeries more generally. Their loaves tend to be about half the size of what you might see in the US. I really enjoyed the spongy, stretchy texture and faint sweetness of this loaf. If you ev... (read more) 3.5/5.0

recommended azabujuban japanese tokyo hopshukurimu matcha red bean bread 3.5