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Img 20200323 192514

Lotte Coolish Vanilla Ice Cream: I bought this ice cream out of the novelty of the packaging, a foil pouch where you squeeze soft service ice cream through a small nozzle. It makes it very easy to eat ice cream on the go and eat just as much as you want, though to be honest I ate it at home and in a single serving. The ice cream flavor is really familiar and nostalgic, like soft serve you might get at McDonald's. It's so sweet that you can feel the texture of the ice crystals as you consume it. You have to wait a few mi... (read more) 3.0/5.0

icecream japanese Daiei lotte coolish vanilla ice cream 3.0
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Lotte とろ~りれん乳三昧 苺れん乳 Strawberry Kakigori Popsicle: These are unique popsicles that could only be manufactured through modern food science. They consist of a milky outer coating, made with Hokkaido milk, that encapsulates multiple layers. At the top is a viscous syrup, which has a slight tropical pineapple flavor to me though perhaps it's just a type of acidic milk – with my first popiscle, the liquid layer came as a surprise when it came pouring out. Underneath the syrup is a strawberry popsicle, somewhere between a freeze pop and fruit b... (read more) 3.0/5.0

japanese naniwaya dessert frozen lotte とろ~りれん乳三昧 苺れん乳 strawberry kakigori popsicle 3.0
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Lotte Suika Ba: This is an ice cream bar you can find anywhere in Japan, in convenience stores (individually wrapped) or in grocery stores in multi-packs. The package comes with two flavors (3 of each): half watermelon and half honeydew. They're extremely cute and have a candy taste that's definitely sweet but not really as artificial tasting as the Jolly Rancher equivalent taste. And the bars themselves are pretty substantial and have a consistency that's less watery than a typical fruit popsicle in the... (read more) 3.5/5.0

recommended frozen japanese cute Maruetsu lotte suika ba 3.5
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Lotte Crunky Crunch Chocolate: I had been curious about what this popular milk chocolate bar tastes like. Most Japanese chocolate bars are thinner than American bars; Crunky comes in a simple cardboard packaging with the chocolate wrapped in silver foil. The milk chocolate has puffed rice inside that is less crispy than a Crunch bar but has a slightly nuttier taste to it, almost like it's flavored with almonds. It's fairly unremarkable - kind of exactly what you expect it to taste like, which is neither particularly go... (read more) 2.5/5.0

chocolate japanese lotte crunky crunch 2.5
Img 20200710 192601

Lotte Cookies and Cream Crunky Chocolate Balls: I bought this bag of candy from the Lawson convenience store, and it instantly brought me back to Hershey's Cookies and Cream chocolate bars, with their waxy white chocolate and dominant vanilla flavor. The form factor of this chocolate are bite-sized balls, and the interior has a crunchy cookie-like texture. Flavor-wise, it was neither good nor bad, but health-wise it was definitely not worth the calories. 2.5/5.0

japanese lawson lotte cookies cream crunky chocolate balls 2.5 cookiesandcream
Img 20200711 142500

Lotte Chocolate Caramel Choco Pie in Ginza : The iconic snack Choco Pie from Korean brand Lotte is available in most places shops in Japan. This particular Ginza chocolate caramel cake flavor is part of a special edition "around the world" series which takes iconic desserts from various cities around the world. For example, it previously featured the NYC cheesecake. I've never actually heard of a Tokyo-specific chocolate caramel cake (and a quick Google Search comes up empty). This is a very decadent Choco Pie, with chocolate cake i... (read more) 3.0/5.0

japanese desserts inegaya lotte chocolate caramel choco pie in ginza 3.0