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Tiny but Mighty kettle popcorn: This snack features a special line of heirloom kernels whose hulls disintegrate when popped. This means that there are virtually no shells to pick from your teeth after eating, (useful science!). While the kernels are small, they have the perfect balance of salty and sweet. An especially addictive snack that quickly disappears despite a 10-serving bag. The marketing claims that this product will change the way you think about popcorn forever-a tall order, but it lives up to its promise! Purc... (read more) 4.5/5.0

wholefoods popcorn recommended tinybutmighty 4.5 kettlecorn instafood nongmo corn kettle
1165625356570625765 1397986312

Trader Joe's Sriracha Potato Chips: Tthick, lattice-cut crisps with an initially sweet flavor that finishes spicy. Familiar sweet chili flavor gets a unique twist. Could use a tad more seasoning. Too bad the serving size is so small at 13 chips. 3.5/5.0

traderjoes chips potatochips sriracha chili crisps recommended 3.5 instafood potato