granolabar (11)
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808637490370217048 1397986312

Cascadian Farm Oatmeal Raisin granola bars: Chewy granola bars with a balanced spiced sweetness. The mouth feel is a little starchy, perhaps to achieve the chewy texture. Kids-sized bars are about 2/3 the size of regular ones. 3.0/5.0

granolabar kidsized cascadianfarm oatmeal raisin granola bars 3.0
2016 07 24 21.16.27

Kind Maple Glazed Pecan and Sea Salt Nut Bar: A granola bar with a variety of textures: there are crunchy nuts and crispy grains, but they're bound together with a sweet and chewy maple glaze. The maple was very sweet, though the bar clearly marks that there is only 5g of sugar (it's not a very big bar, though). The sweetness is also offset by the sea salt, which has a prominent flavor. 3.0/5.0

recommended granolabar nuts kind maple glazed pecan sea salt nut bar 3.0
1010584853572519843 1397986312

Nature's Path Pumpkin-N-Spice granola bar: Chewy, barely sweetened bar with real pumpkin seeds, flax, and whole grains. Decent spiced flavor, but eats somewhat dry and could use more sweetness. 3.0/5.0

naturespath granolabar organic pumpkin flax pumpkin-n-spice granola bar 3.0
1152409789973956101 1397986312

365 Organic Blueberry Vanilla granola bars: Chewy and sweet, and slightly reminiscent of a scented candle, make no mistake; this is a dessert in a bar. 3.0/5.0

organic wholefoods blueberry vanilla 365 granolabar instafood 3.0 granola bars
1070652386899691116 1397986312

Kate's coconut mango cashew Tiki bar: I purchased this bar for a little over $2 from the Leanbox at work. Despite its small-ish size, this extremely dense snack bar is very filling. Perhaps because it was stored in a fridge, it became quite leaden. The flavor is tangy and tropical - the coconut flavor is prominent, and the mango tastes citrusy for some reason. This snack served as a reminder to me to check the nutrition facts before making an impulsive purchase; this small bar has a whopping 9g of saturated fat, 45% of your reco... (read more) 2.5/5.0

tikibar kates snackbar coconut mango cashew granolabar 2.5 leanbox tiki bar