crunch (19)
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Clif Crunch honey oat granola bars: Honey oat is the equivalent to vanilla ice cream in the granola bar world-not particularly good nor bad. 2.5/5.0

clif granolabars crunch honey oat clifcrunch granola bars 2.5
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C Nature Choco Puff melon chocolate crunch cracker: A Korean snack combining puffed rice krispies with melon-flavored white chocolate. The melon-chocolate combination is pretty bizarre, and the cantaloupe flavor is concentrated but artificial. Puffed rice prevents the bars from being too dense. The box contained 4 individually wrapped pieces, each of which was fairly substantial (about 3" long). 2.5/5.0

munchpak cnature korean melon chocolate puffedrice 2.5 choco puff crunch cracker 2.5/5.0
2017 03 04 10.25.02

Hapi Snacks Ramen Crunch: Wavy ridged crisps that have an aroma somewhere between the mysterious "oriental" flavored ramen seasoning packet and fish food. Contains a liberal amount of anchovy powder and MSG (in fact, MSG appears twice on the ingredients list for some reason). Texture-wise, it's not as crispy as a potato chip, but its thin profile makes it less hearty than a cracker. It's not as dense as ramen-flavored snacks that actually consist of dried ramen noodles. Flavor-wise, though, Hapi is going for a si... (read more) 2.5/5.0

asian ramen tokyofishmarket hapisnacks crunch 2.5
2017 03 20 15.59.05

180 Snacks Cranberry Pomegranate Trail Mix Crunch: One of the more healthful vending machines available at work. Cubes of almonds, dried cranberries, and pistachios. Crunchy, not chewy. Oven baked to perfection is a bit of an overstatement. Decent. 2.5/5.0

trailmix fruit 180snacks cranberry pomegranate trail mix crunch 2.5
Img 20190320 195006

Pepperidge Farm Epic Crunch Ranch Goldfish: These baked crackers are about 25% bigger in size than normal Goldfish and are texturally crispier, though I wouldn't describe it as similar to a tortilla chip (which the packaging seems to claim). They're kind of like Ritz chips crackers, but with a more consistent thickness. The base of the Goldfish Epic Crunch crackers resembles original (plain) Goldfish with a slight corn flavor akin to a mild corn tortilla, and that neutral flavor is the predominant taste, even though they're seasoned... (read more) 2.5/5.0

pepperidgefarm epic crunch ranch goldfish 2.5
Img 20200706 104453

Lotte Crunky Crunch Chocolate: I had been curious about what this popular milk chocolate bar tastes like. Most Japanese chocolate bars are thinner than American bars; Crunky comes in a simple cardboard packaging with the chocolate wrapped in silver foil. The milk chocolate has puffed rice inside that is less crispy than a Crunch bar but has a slightly nuttier taste to it, almost like it's flavored with almonds. It's fairly unremarkable - kind of exactly what you expect it to taste like, which is neither particularly go... (read more) 2.5/5.0

chocolate japanese lotte crunky crunch 2.5