butter (38)
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Whole Foods honey roasted peanut butter: An ideal balance of smooth and crunchy, sweet and nutty. Keep trying to find excuses to spread it on other snacks. Perfectly sized for indulging. 4.5/5.0

wholefoods peanutbutter peanut nuts spreads honey roasted exceptional butter 4.5
Img 20200418 175027

YBC Aerial Roe Butter Flavored Chips: It is very rare for me to come across a snack that is fundamentally different than any I've had before, and this fried Japanese corn snack is one of them. I found it at Weica, sort of like a CVS, which has an impressive stock of junk food. These chips consist of multiple crispy layers, each uniquely shaped probably due to the irregularity of the manufacturing process. Each square is about the size of a Wheat Thin in area. The separated layers gives it a light crispy texture unlike any sn... (read more) 4.0/5.0

recommended weica japanese junkfood yamazakibiscuitsco aerial roe butter flavored chips 4.0 ybc