Annie’s Cinnamon bunny grahams: I grew up eating Teddy Graham cinnamon cookies and still enjoy eating them, but these bunny graham crackers from Annie's are even better. More substantial spiced flavor that tastes healthier than Teddy Grahams. Kind of expensive so I only buy when on sale. Purchased from Whole Foods. 3.5/5.0
recommended wholefoods annies cinnamon bunny grahams 3.5Annie’s Organic friends bunny grahams: When I first moved to Berkeley a few years ago, I was surprised to bike past the Annie’s corporate offices near 4th Street - I hadn’t previously known it was headquartered there. Berkeley is historically known for hippies, but now it’s too expensive for hippies to live there. Nonetheless, Annie’s seems to be riffing off that vibe with their psychedelic Bunny Graham friends mix containing all major flavors of their graham crackers. It leans pretty chocolately as it has both their chocolate an... (read more) 3.5/5.0
recommended chocolate cookies chocolate chip honey annies organic friends bunny grahams 3.5Annie’s Organic white cheddar bunny tail puffs: I haven’t purchased boxed mac and cheese since I graduated from school, but I’m not ashamed to admit that this cheap and quick staple was a regular in my pantry all throughout college and grad school. I generally preferred the white cheddar kind, like the white cheddar shells from Trader Joe’s and the Yummy Cheese flavor from Annie’s. Recently, I found that Annie’s is actually owned by General Mills, which gave me some pause when considering whether to purchased this snack. But given how muc... (read more) 4.0/5.0
recommended cheese cheesepuffs annies orange white cheddar bunny tail puffs 4.0Annie’s Tropical Treats Organic Bunny Fruit Snacks: Fruit snacks bring me back to elementary school and the days of Fruit by the Foot / Roll Up. In those days, organic, fresh foods were not really part of anyone’s vocabulary in suburban NJ. I was curious about what an organic take on fruit snacks would taste like from Berkeley-based food company Annie’s and purchased these on sale. The fruit snacks have a softer, gummier texture than something like Welsh fruit snacks or Dots candy. The tropical pack contains a mix of mango-peach, orange, and... (read more) 2.5/5.0
fruitsnacks annies tropical treats organic bunny fruit 2.5Annie's Bunny Pasta with Yummy Cheese: In the world of fun-shaped boxed pasta, Annie's Homegrown mac and cheese with yummy cheese is the only one worth getting. 4.0/5.0
recommended macandcheese annies bunny pasta yummy cheese 4.0