blueberry (43)
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Luke's Lobster blueberry lemonade with honey: Prominent honey flavor, moderate acidity level. Berry flavor is mild. Overall, a decent drink, though the result is not more than the sum of its parts. 3.0/5.0

drinks lukeslobster blueberry lemonade lemon honey 3.0
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Maine Root blueberry soda: Has a rich, molasses-like sweetness and good blueberry flavor. Nice level of carbonation. Person, I'd like it more with 1/3 less sugar, but a good soda overall. 3.5/5.0

maineroot blueberry soda drinks berries 3.5
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Mom's Best Cereal Blue-Pom Wheat-fuls: I'm not typically a fan of wheat cereal, but this one is tasty with a blueberry pomegranate icing that is just sweet enough. Full of fiber and all natural ingredients. 4.0/5.0

recommended cereal breakfast momsbestcereal wheat blueberry pomegranate blue-pom wheat-fuls 4.0
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Morgenstern's Raw milk ice cream with blueberry and strawberry jams: A Fourth of July special with two scoops or raw milk ice cream and streaks of blueberry and strawberry jam throughout. A largely flawless dessert: rich and indulgent, while fruit jams add welcome sharpness. Perfectly smooth texture. Basically as good as it gets for a clean, classic ice cream cone. 4.5/5.0

exceptional icecream rawmilk morgensterns raw milk ice cream blueberry strawberry jams 4.5
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My Super Cookies Blueberry Vanilla Hero Whole Grain Cookies: These are surprisingly tasty whole grain cookies that contain a bunch of ingredients not normally associate with cookies like quinoa and chia seeds. They have a distinctively sweet blueberry flavor that tastes truer to the fruit than blueberry cereal bars. The serving size is small, and they are kind of expensive (I got them when they were on sale at Whole Foods), but otherwise I recommend trying them. 3.5/5.0

organic wholefoods recommended mysupercookies blueberry vanilla hero whole grain cookies 3.5
2016 09 20 05.39.13

Naked Blue Machine Smoothie: This fruit smoothie contains a mix of fruit puree (banana, blueberry, and blackberry) as well as apple juice. The texture is both thick and slick - substantial and smooth. While there is no added sugar, its contains a lot of sugar, at 29g. Overall, it was what I would expect for a Naked juice – nourishing but also not nearly as good as eating fresh fruit. 3.0/5.0

drinks fruit blueberry banana blackberry juice naked blue machine smoothie 3.0