avoid (93)
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Pxl 20201210 113648919

Sunny Mart まじめなおかし Yuzu Biscuits: Purchased from Natural Lawson, a popualar convenience store, these round biscuits with scallop edges are thick and crunchy, rather than flaky like Ritz crackers. They have a glazed coating that has a sweet tangy citrus flavor. But they are also heavily seasoned, probably the saltiest snack I've had in Japan, so I never wanted to eat much of it. Not recommended. 2.0/5.0

japanese avoid crackers biscuit naturallawson lawson sunnymart まじめなおかし yuzu biscuits 2.0
Pxl 20210125 153556638

Toms Heksehyl Haxvral Danish Salty Licorice: This was another Danish snack that I received as a participant for a virtual conference. It comes in rope form and features a cylindrical piece of black licorice filled with salmiak salt (which is essential ammonia). I've heard that licorice is popular in Nordic countries, and I think this must be an acquired taste that I do not have. It had a surprisingly sharp bitter and salty flavor (mostly from the filling) that my taste buds had an immediate visceral reaction to, and not in a pleasan... (read more) 2.0/5.0

avoid danish tomsheksehylhaxvral salty licorice 2.0
747328351639995871 1397986312

Mitsuwa Chicago mochi red bean cake: Rubbery texture outside, difficult to chew, filling ok. overall, not worth it. 1.5/5.0

mitsuwachicago mochi red bean cake avoid sweets
747329669356094976 1397986312

Kellogg's rice krispies monster munchies: Bought these by mistake, even more sugar on an already insanely sweet snack 1.5/5.0

kelloggs rice krispies monster munchies avoid
747332379128137280 1397986312

Kashi Go Lean Crunch! Honey Almond Flax: Accidentally mistook this for granola. Huge clusters. Strange flavor. 1.5/5.0

avoid cereal kashi go lean crunch! honey almond flax
747349009837098952 1397986312

Snack Factory jalapeño jack pretzel chips: Slightly stale texture and strange, artificial flavor 1.5/5.0

avoid spicy snackfactory jalapeño jack pretzel chips 1.5