365 (43)
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813699234411087232 1397986312

365 Applewood Smoked White Cheddar Popcorn: Cheesy and smoky popcorn that captures the feeling of snacking around a campfire. Like most popcorn snacks, a serving size is quite generous (volume-wise), but it's not very filling. 3.5/5.0

popcorn 365 wholefoods applewood smoked whitecheddar cheddar recommended white 3.5
813701488371336643 1397986312

365 High Fiber Morning O's: Whole grain cereal that has an interesting, thick shape. Tastes healthy and keeps you full until lunch. I like to eat it with some fresh sliced bananas to add sweetness. 3.5/5.0

recommended wholefoods 365 cereal breakfast wholewheat morningos fiber healthy high morning o's 3.5
787262338764146148 1397986312

365 Organic Honey & Nut Morning O's: A classic that has just the right amount of sugar and nutty flavor. Holds up well with milk. A yummy breakfast! Great value as one of the least expensive cereals from Whole Foods. 3.5/5.0

cereal breakfast 365 wholefoods honey nut honeynutcereal recommended organic morning o's 3.5
781900118500870063 1397986312

365 Organic's original soymilk: Smooth, creamy flavor but a tad too sweet. Good to drink on its own but doesn't work with sugary breakfast cereals. 3.0/5.0

wholefoods drinks 365 organic's original soymilk 3.0
747363228829648242 1397986312

365 cheese curls: Really odd and off-putting cheddar flavor, good crunchy texture though. 2.0/5.0

wholefoods cheddar 365 cheese curls 2.0
747364541453862293 1397986312

365 sour cream and onion baked crisps: Honestly doesn't taste much different from lays baked chips, not bad nor great 2.5/5.0

wholefoods potatochips 365 sour cream onion baked crisps 2.5