3.5 (544)
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863040680108524759 1397986312

Wallaby Organic blueberry yogurt: Nicely balanced yogurt (not too sweet) that has bits of blueberry to add texture. Vibrant purple color. 3.5/5.0

yogurt organic wallaby blueberry recommended wallabyorganic 3.5
1102647437800277657 1397986312

Way Better Snacks Rosemary Me and Olive Oil barley crackers: A generous helping of olive oil lends these crackers a deep savory flavor. Hexagonal crackers are more crispy than crunchy. Good source of fiber and whole grains. Enough flavor to snack with on their own. 3.5/5.0

waybetter rosemary oliveoil recommended wholegrain fiber 3.5 waybettersnacks me olive oil barley crackers
794513989984093635 1397986312

Wel-Pac Saki Ika dried squid: A yummy but guilt-inducing snack that's high in sodium, cholesterol, and flavor. 3.5/5.0

welpac sakiika japanese seafood hmart saki ika dried squid 3.5
788726247715014511 1397986312

Wheat Thins Popped Sour Cream and Onion: Wheat Thins jumps on the Pop Chips bandwagon with lighter crips that carry the artificial sour cream and onion flavor you either love or hate. As for me, I guiltily enjoy it. 3.5/5.0

sourcreamandonion sourcream chips recommended wheatthins popped sour cream onion 3.5
832289713704698921 1397986312

Wild Harvest organic soymilk: Smooth and creamy with a hint of sweetness. Adds a lot of flavor to oatmeal, but also is very refreshing on its own. 3.5/5.0

wildharvest organic soymilk soy milk recommended drinks 3.5
Psx 20181211 083301

Wilklow Orchards Apple Cider Donuts: I bought some apples from the Green Market over the weekend and came across Wilklow Orchards apple cider donuts. Apple cider donuts are a seasonal dessert popular in the Northeast, especially at apple orchards. I've never actually had them before, so I was excited to try them, and at 60 cents each, they were wallet friendly. The donuts came in two offerings: coated in sugar, and without coating. I purchased the one without sugar, which I think was the way to go, as it was sweet enough. ... (read more) 3.5/5.0

recommended sweets applecider nyc wilkloworchards apple cider Donuts 3.5