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Drop the Mic Ice Cream: Continuing from the previous review, the second set consisted of the green apple sorbet, black truffle ice cream, and purple potato ice cream. My favorite was the green apple sorbet, which had always been fantastic (a tip: you can go across the street and order it any time at the dessert club). I've been told it has to be made fresh consistently since the vivid green color fades once it starts to oxidize. The truffle ice cream had a very potent, savory flavor. Interesting but not what I personally want when eating dessert. The ube was smooth and unique. Overall, I preferred the first set to this one, though the apple sorbet is excellent. Each also suffered a bit from dry cake. 4.0/5.0

chikalicious dropthemicicecream icecream sorbet truffle greenapple ube purplepotato cake semifreddo recommended nyc eastvillage 4.0 dropthemic ice cream