Nishimura Pumpkin and spinach wheat biscuits: Only after I finished this snack and looked up information about it for this review did I discover that these vegetable-flavored biscuits are intended as baby food. Nonetheless, you can safely eat them as an adult. Individually-wrapped servings of pumpkin and spinach flavored biscuits, 3 of each, come in a single package. The biscuits have a crumbly, slightly dry texture and are just a tad sweet. Beyond the color (the spinach crackers are pistachio-green and the pumpkin a light orange), the taste doesn’t really hint at the vegetable ingredients, but it does have a slightly more savory taste than your typical round and sweet wheat biscuits. Not bad, but not especially good either. Purchased from Sunrise Mart. 3.0/5.0
japanese nishimura pumpkin spinach wheat biscuits 3.0 Sunrisemart