Nishimura Pumpkin and spinach wheat biscuits: Only after I finished this snack and looked up information about it for this review did I discover that these vegetable-flavored biscuits are intended as baby food. Nonetheless, you can safely eat them as an adult. Individually-wrapped servings of pumpkin and spinach flavored biscuits, 3 of each, come in a single package. The biscuits have a crumbly, slightly dry texture and are just a tad sweet. Beyond the color (the spinach crackers are pistachio-green and the pumpkin a light orange), the ... (read more) 3.0/5.0
japanese nishimura pumpkin spinach wheat biscuits 3.0 SunrisemartBefco Scallop bakauke rice crackers: Shaped like mini boomerangs, these individually wrapped pairs of Japanese rice crackers come in a variety of flavors. This time, I purchased their scallop version from Sunrise Market in NYC, which was about $0.25 more expensive than their classic soy variety. The scallop crackers have a very strong salty and briny flavor that I wouldn’t necessarily identify with scallop but tastes of seafood more generally. It has a strong odor I couldn’t quite place until I suddenly realized they smelled ki... (read more) 2.5/5.0
japanese befco scallop bakauke rice crackers 2.5 SunrisemartBefco Kuriyama Bakauke Sesame rice crackers: Shaped vaguely like miniature banana or oblong boomerangs, these soy flavored rice crackers were purchased for under $3 from Sunrise Market in Manhattan. Each piece is individually wrapped and is just on the verge of being overseasoned, yet also has a sweet aftertaste. Pretty good overall, but probably not good enough to purchase again. 3.0/5.0
Sunrisemart japanese soy nyc befco kuriyama bakauke sesame rice crackers 3.0