yogurt (163)
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798863087214298492 1397986312

Ritter Sport Strawberry Yogurt Milk Chocolate: Milk chocolate with a distinct strawberry flavor, enhanced with bits of dried fruit that adds texture. The first fruit and chocolate bar I've had that really works! 4.0/5.0

rittersport chocolate candy recommended milkchocolate strawberry yogurt milk 4.0
775350759990789551 1397986312

Seven Stars Farm low fat plain yogurt: Organic yogurt that had an acidic aftertaste and smooth, silky texture. Perfectly balanced with a bit of honey and fresh fruit. 3.5/5 3.5/5.0

recommended organic sevenstarsfarm low fat plain yogurt 3.5
1073548839401850222 1397986312

Seven Stars Farm organic lowfat plain yogurt: This yogurt comes from a dairy farm in Chester County, PA and has a tangy flavor. Because no artificial thickness are added to the yogurt, it quickly develops an uneven, clumpy texture after opening. I found the texture to be slightly off putting but also wondered if this is just what "natural" yogurt tastes like. Until I try others like this, I can't say for sure. 3.0/5.0

sevenstarsfarm organic yogurt 3.0 lowfat plain
915623450785383826 1397986312

Siggi's plain yogurt: Impressively thick. tart and creamy, particularly for non-fat. savory yogurt that's excellent added to other dishes (like soup, for example). highly recommend. 4.0/5.0

yogurt recomended siggis plain dairy icelandic 4.0
916974743504324054 1397986312

Siggi's Orange and Ginger yogurt: Very thick Icelandic yogurt with cubes of ginger mixed throughout. The citrus flavor is faint, but the ginger is prominent and clean. Filling (with 14g of protein) and satisfying, very lightly sweetened. 3.5/5.0

yogurt siggis dairy orange citrus ginger 3.5
917748003544270338 1397986312

Siggi's coconut yogurt: Icelandic skyr yogurt that's very thick and rich. This flavor was too savory for me-it seemed like it would work paired with other foods (a slightly sweet element in a savory dish or a savory element on a dessert). But on its own, I found the flavor to be kind of off-putting. Clearly made of quality ingredients, though. 2.5/5.0

siggis yogurt skyr coconut 2.5