sweetpotato (10)
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Img 20190103 185328

North Folk Sweet potato kettle chips: Regrettably bitter and tasting more of oil than vegetable, these kettle cooked sweet potato chips were a disappointing, underseasoned batch. 2.5/5.0

sweetpotato northfolk sweet potato kettle chips 2.5
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Terra Sweet & Blues potato chips: A mix of orange sweet potato chips with blue potato ones. The blue potato chips are superior (the sweet potato ones are not very crisp and quite oily). Well seasoned. Overall, decent snack. 3.0/5.0

chips sweetpotato bluepotato terra potatochips sweet blues potato 3.0
1017067091684263904 1397986312

Trader Joe's sweet potato tortilla chips: A mix of white corn and sweet potato, the dominant flavor in this snack is definitely not sweet potato (although you get a hint of it at the end). The chip should be slightly thicker, and the flavor overall is just ok. Probably would be much better with a dip, but doesn't really hold its own. Nonetheless, it's a light snack that isn't overly seasoned. 3.0/5.0

traderjoes tortilla sweetpotato chips sweet potato 3.0
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Wei-Chuan sweet potato buns: These frozen buns have a nice consistency when steamed, but I have mixed feelings about its sweet potato filling. It tastes true to the ingredient, with a similar soft consistency, but I find it to be uncomfortably reminiscent of baby food. It isn't too sweet but also verges on lacking flavor. 2.5/5.0

weichua sweetpotato buns chinese frozen 2.5 weichuan sweet potato