sparkling (49)
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Perrier Pink grapefruit sparkling water: A more standard (but still good) sparkling water option from Perrier, with a sharp and tangy citrus flavor. Refreshing and, as always, 0 calories. 3.5/5.0

drinks seltzer recommended perrier pink grapefruit sparkling water 3.5
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Asha Tea Sparkling ginger lemonade: I didn’t know Asha Tea served any non-tea drinks, but they currently have a special sparkling ginger lemonade drink available only available at their Berkeley location. Ginger soda is my favorite drink, so when I saw the sign at the register for this new special, I switched my order to get it. The drink is made from a house made ginger syrup and has a pleasantly potent spicy flavor that stays with you for several minutes even after you’re done. The lemon flavor is milder and has a cooling ef... (read more) 3.5/5.0

recommended drinks berkeley ashatea sparkling ginger lemonade 3.5 soda
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Found Watermelon Basil Sparkling Refreshment: Found is a beverage company claiming to create its own category of carbonated fruit drinks; according to its site, it is neither seltzer, soda or tonic, but a "naturally sparkling refreshment." Its marketing also claims that the carbonation exists naturally at its source. I'm not sure how much I buy into their story, but I do think the beverage itself is very good. I like fizzy carbonated water, and this is more carbonated than most bottled products. The watermelon flavor reminds me a bi... (read more) 3.5/5.0

recommended drinks carbonated found watermelon basil sparkling refreshment 3.5
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Orangina Muscat Sparkling Soda: A special edition grape flavored Orangina introduced for the Japanese market, this soda still contains citrus (orange, grapefruit, and lemon) with the addition of "Muscat of Alexandria," a type of white wine grape. Like normal Orangina, it only has a small percentage of actual juice (12%) but tastes less artificial than Sunkist or other orange soda alternatives. The main flavor is still orange soda (as opposed to tasting like grape soda), but it does have a different enough aftertaste that... (read more) 3.5/5.0

drinks japanese soda orangina muscat sparkling 3.5
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Olipop Strawberry Vanilla Sparkling Tonic: This alternative beverage is not calorie (35) or sugar free (3g) but incorporates lots of unexpected alternative ingredients like kudzu root, elm bark, and Jerusalem artichoke, along with vanilla bean and strawberry essence. Their marketing describes this as beneficial "prebiotics, plant fiber, and botanicals" to support your digestive health. I didn't really care so much about the ingredients and was mostly drawn to the nicely designed packaging and flavor combinations I naturally gravita... (read more) 3.5/5.0

recommended pic drinks olipop strawberry vanila sparkling tonic 3.5
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Olipop Ginger Lemon Sparkling Tonic: A sparkling tonic designed to support digestive health, this ginger lemon soda has a solid ginger flavor that's pleasantly spiced and acidic. There aren't many other drinks I've had that taste quite like it. I wish it were a little fizzier, and it does have a alternative-sweetner aftertaste because it uses Stevia. Otherwise, I think it's a unique offering for those that are open to low-calorie, low-sugar options with a new spin. 3.5/5.0

recommended drinks pic olipop ginger lemonade sparkling tonic 3.5