sparkling (49)
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Found apple cinnamon sparkling water: Somewhere between a soda and flavored seltzer (with 14g of sugar), this drink does a remarkable job capturing the tart quality of a crisp apple. So much so that the aftertaste reminds me a bit of sour candies. It left my throat feeling like I just had a sharp lemonade. The amount of carbonation is spot on, and the cinnamon is present but not overpowering. 3.5/5.0

found drinks 3.5 seltzer soda apple cinnamon drinkfound sparkling water
2017 04 19 20.47.11

Lorina Pomegranate Blueberry Sparkling Soda: Given its uniquely curved bottle, labelling with a black and white photograph of the Eiffel Tower, and stamp dating Lorina's establishment over 100 years ago, this bottle of fruit soda is clearly aspirational, appealing to consumers who wish they were drinking it at an outdoor cafe on the streets of Paris. It tastes very clearly of both pomegranate and blueberry, and its purple red color enhances the effect. Sweet and well carbonated. 3.5/5.0

recommended drinks soda lorina pomegranate blueberry sparkling 3.5
2017 06 30 17.49.58

La Croix Mango Sparkling Water: Only the second flavor of La Croix I've ever had, the "mango essenced" sparkling water was worthwhile, with a high level of carbonation and punchy mango flavor. Doesn't have a salty aftertaste like other seltzers sometimes do. A solid, affordable flavored seltzer. 3.5/5.0

recommended drinks lacroix mango sparkling water 3.5
Img 0995

Galvanina Blood orange, black carrot, and blueberry sparkling fruit beverage: Organic Italian soda that apparently is sold as Whole Foods branded Italian soda. I purchased this glass bottle from Molinari deli in North Beach, SF (which I also recommend, by the way). While I found it on the sweet side, the addition of carrot was unique and not at all overpowering. The berry, vegetable, and citrus combination is well balanced and worth a try. 3.5/5.0

recommended drinks sodas italian galvanina blood orange black carrot blueberry sparkling fruit beverage 3.5 organic
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Perrier L’orange Sparkling Water: I generally prefer Perrier to San Pellegrino because it has a higher level of carbonation and less of a salty aftertaste. This orange-flavored version is refreshing and perfect as a mid-day palate cleanser. 3.5/5.0

recommended orange citrus sparkling water perrier l’orange 3.5 drinks
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Perrier Watermelon Sparkling Water: Sharp fizzy sparkling water with a concentrated fruit flavor that doesn’t taste artificial. Conveniently sized can that’s slightly smaller than a 12oz, which I typically find a bit large for accompanying a meal. A smart direction for Perrier given the success of La Croix (I find this drink better than most La Croix I’ve had.) 3.5/5.0

recommended drinks perrier watermelon sparkling water 3.5