soda (144)
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Cheerio Melon Cream Soda: Got this bottle from a 100 ¥ vending machine in Tokyo. The flavor is sort of like a fruit-equivalent of Mountain Dew in that the sugar and flavor concentration is shocking, but I actually kind of like it. It strikes a really good balance of fruity and creamy and does taste like (an extremely sweet) version of a fruit soda float. In that way, it's exactly as advertised. But I can't drink much of it in a single sitting because it's so sweet. 3.5/5.0

recommended drinks japanese vendingmachine cheerio melon cream soda 3.5
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Cheerwine soda: A cherry cola reminiscent of Dr Pepper. Thick syrupy flavor. 2.5/5.0

drinks cheerwine soda
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Chersi Duchesse Pear soda: Despite the Russian labeling, this fizzy beverage is made in the US. Oddly, the soda had a bubblegum-flavored aftertaste, though the initial taste was faintly pear-like. Sugary, but not unexpectedly so (38g per bottle). Color-wise, the soda is copper-toned, like a dark ginger ale. 2.5/5.0

chersi soda drinks russian pear 2.5 duchesse
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Choya Yowanai Ume Soda: This Japanese soda is made by drink-maker Choya, who seems to specialize in liquors. This non-alcoholic soda was purchased from Momofuku Bang Bar in NYC, and while it has what appears to be a peach or nectarine on the can, it's ume-flavored, which is a type of Japanese plum. The drink has a really distinct fruit flavor that is unlike any other fruit soda I've had before – slightly tangy, it reminds me of those asian pickled plum candies, but as if all the sourness typically associated with... (read more) 3.5/5.0

recommended drinks japanese ume plum choya yowanai soda 3.5
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Choya Yowanai Yuzu Soda: Japanese soda flavored with yuzu and lime. Has a pleasantly tangy and sharp citrus flavor that is generally enjoyable, though it does verge on too-sweet if you drink the whole can. Still, it has a sourness that you don't typically find in American lemonade drinks. A great flavor for those who looking for a more punchy citrus drink. Purchased at Bang Bar in Manhattan. 3.5/5.0

recommended japanese drinks citrus choya yowanai yuzu soda 3.5
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Clover Ginger Soda: Refreshing and light with a distinct ginger flavor. Drink quick before it gets diluted with ice! 4.0/5.0

recommended drinks clover ginger soda 4.0