Yotsuba Orange and Yuzu Yogurt: A limited-edition flavor, this yogurt contains zest from Japanese yuzu and oranges, giving it a uniquely tart citrus flavor that's balanced with the creamy Hokkaido-milk-based yogurt. The yogurt is fairly loose but I find that most Japanese yogurt is. While lemon flavored yogurt is pretty common in the states, I can't think of many brands that sell orange yogurt, so I'm especially glad to come across this Japanese take. 4.0/5.0
recommended yogurt seijoishi yotsuba orange yuzu 4.0Yotsuba Peach Yogurt: Japanese peaches taste a little different to me than American ones – they're sweeter and juicier, and good ones are highly coveted. This peach yogurt, made with Milk from Hokkaido, is good quality Japanese yogurt that any fan of peaches could enjoy. And luckily, I don't believe this is a seasonal flavor, so you don't need to worry that it'll soon be gone. 3.5/5.0
recommended seijoishi japanese yotsuba peach yogurt 3.5酷覓星 Bubble Milk Tea Cake: While I purchased this product in Tokyo, these bubble tea cakes are from the original land of bubble tea: Taiwan. The snack, which cost a little over $5, comes in nice packaging, containing a slide-out tray that's a nice display if you're entertaining or sharing with friends. The cakes are individually wrapped and are disappointingly small, no bigger than 2" in their longest dimension. They are most definitely smaller than most pineapple cakes, which are the most similar type of snack i... (read more) 3.5/5.0
recommended seijoishi bubbletea bubble milk tea cake 3.5 taiwanese