orange (39)
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Bruce Cost blood orange and Meyer lemon ginger ale: I'm a fan of the regular Bruce Cost ginger ale, so I was happy to find a limited edition citrus version. Despite shaking the bottle beforehand, I found the flavor to be weak on the top but much more potent on the bottom. The citrus flavor was nonetheless refreshing, and the ginger left a pleasant tingly feeling in my throat. That's when you know it's good. 3.5/5.0

brucecost drinks ginger gingerale bloodorange orange lemon meyerlemon 3.5 blood meyer ale
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Kras Lemon orange napolitanke wafers: To be honest, I got these Croatian wafers from Walgreens when I had to pick up some shampoo. They're surprisingly good, though, with a tart citrus flavor and crispy thin water layers. Definitely on the sweet side but since they come in bite-sized pieces, portion control is easy. Great value-very inexpensive and tasty even not accounting for the price. 3.5/5.0

recommended citrus kras lemon orange napolitanke wafers 3.5
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Galvanina Blood orange, black carrot, and blueberry sparkling fruit beverage: Organic Italian soda that apparently is sold as Whole Foods branded Italian soda. I purchased this glass bottle from Molinari deli in North Beach, SF (which I also recommend, by the way). While I found it on the sweet side, the addition of carrot was unique and not at all overpowering. The berry, vegetable, and citrus combination is well balanced and worth a try. 3.5/5.0

recommended drinks sodas italian galvanina blood orange black carrot blueberry sparkling fruit beverage 3.5 organic
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Perrier L’orange Sparkling Water: I generally prefer Perrier to San Pellegrino because it has a higher level of carbonation and less of a salty aftertaste. This orange-flavored version is refreshing and perfect as a mid-day palate cleanser. 3.5/5.0

recommended orange citrus sparkling water perrier l’orange 3.5 drinks
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Morgenstern’s Raspberry chocolate with orange vanilla softserve: Morgenstern’s $1 softserve, created in partnership with Street Easy and with proceeds going towards Women in Need, is a no-brainer because where else are you going to get this quality ice cream for $1? An all-white appearance belies the fruity flavors beneath, with a mix of raspberry and orange vanilla. The citrus flavor is especially prominent and well balanced. Not a fan of the white chocolate or sprinkles that adorn it, which overly simplify the otherwise great quality ice cream. Perfect ... (read more) 3.5/5.0

recommended icecream softserve nyc dessert morgensterns raspberry chocolate orange vanilla 3.5
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Epsa Blood orange soda: This Greek soda comes in a sturdy glass bottle textured like Orangina's and marked with a distinct diamond emblem reminiscent of an astrological symbol. The soda is pretty sweet, but it's better balanced than Sunkist or Fanta and is flavored with black carrot juice. You could tell it's orange soda right away, yet the blood orange juice is distinctive and worthwhile. Purchased from Saloniki in Boston. 3.5/5.0

recommended soda drinks citrus bloodorange epsa blood orange 3.5