lays (9)
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Lays lattice cut aged cheddar and black pepper chips: Surprisingly good, crunchy chips. Pepperiness is quite high, but cheese flavor mellows it out a bit. Definitely not healthy but pretty satisfying. 3.5/5.0

lays chips potatochips pepper cheddar recommended lattice cut aged black 3.5
Img 9501

Lays Jalapeño kettle cooked potato chips: Surprisingly spicy. Aggressively seasoned and more crunchy than crispy. If you're going to eat an unhealthy snack, it's worth going all in. 4.0/5.0

recommended potatochips lays jalapeño kettle cooked potato chips 4.0
Img 20190120 110900

Lays Nori seaweed potato chips: One of my favorite things is when friends gift me snacks to review (thanks Anjali!). These Lays potato chips are from Thailand and are seaweed flavored, not sushi (which was my first guess upon seeing sushi rolls on the packaging). The texture and consistency is as you would expect (thin and crispy, as much oil as it is potato), and the chips have green nori flecks that make them look like sour cream and onion. It's as sweet as it is savory, which I didn't expect but also seems to be the cas... (read more) 3.0/5.0

recommended potatochips thai international lays nori potato chips 3.0 seaweed