garlic (20)
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Pxl 20210223 101928863

YBC Garlic Steak Chips: Aerial is a junk food staple in Japan consisting of layered fried corn pieces with a crispy and light texture. The underlying fried corn flavor reminds me a lot of Bugles (which also have their Japanese equivalent in a snack called Tongari Corn), but the texture of Aerials is much more fun. This particular bag inspired by garlic steak is smoky and has an intense garlic flavor, the type that leaves an aftertaste so strong that I was a little thankful I've been working / snacking in isolatio... (read more) 3.0/5.0

junkfood japanese ybc garlic steak chips 3.0
1049608546151597706 1397986312

Yes Chips shrimp dressed in garlic: To be honest, the main reason I bought this snack was the ridiculousness of a shrimp wearing a head of garlic. Packaging aside, the chips themselves have a styrofoam-like texture, not unlike airy shrimp chips that were given to non-Asian diners in Chinese restaurants in the 90s. Still, the seafood flavor is actually quite good, and the garlic doesn't leave a strong aftertaste. The chips melt in your mouth (from all of the saturated fat, I'm sure). 3.5/5.0

yeschhips korean hmart shrimp seafood garlic chips 3.5 yeschips dressed in